Relying on its staff and experienced colleagues, Ark Base is ready to provide a variety of design services such as concept and plan design, facade, executive details and interior decoration. The main distinction of Arc Base in providing architectural services is the use of up-to-date methods and close communication between the members of the design team and the client. Also, all the plans presented are compiled in the form of laws related to the national regulations of buildings and municipalities and the principles of reducing energy consumption.

Arc design services

At Ark, you can get all architectural design services such as: volume design, plan, facade, section, interior design; You have access from phase zero to phase two. The distinction of design in Arc Bass is to pay attention to the principles of reducing building energy consumption based on international standards and guidelines such as ASHRI, LEAD and internal guidelines such as topic 19 of the national regulations and the building energy label.​​​​​​
Due to its experienced design staff, Ark Base has a wide range of design services in the scale of residential, office, commercial and villa projects.

Architectural Design


Why was Arc Bass chosen?

با تدوین ویرایش چهارم مبحث 19 مقررات ملی ساختمان و برچسب انرژی ساختمان، رعایت الزامات کاهش مصرف انرژی در کشور وارد فاز جدیدی شده است. چرا که کاهش مصرف انرژی در ساختمان ها با توجه به بحران های زیست محیطی نظیر آلودگی هوا بسیار مهم شده است. از طرفی کاهش مصرف انرژی در ساختمان برای کاربران و کارفرمایان نیز بسیار مهم است. چراکه باعث کاهش هزینه های جاری انرژی و سرمایه اولیه برای تامین تجهیزات گرمایشی و سرمایشی ساختمان خواهد شد.
همچنین در مناطقی که امکان دسترسی به برق و گاز شبکه ندارند، کاهش مصرف انرژی ساختمان و استفاده از تجهیزات تولید انرژی، یکی دیگر از دلایل محبوبیت طرح های سازگار بر اقلیم است.

Design compatible with nature and climate to reduce building energy consumption


When the building design is based on the correct approach of reducing the energy consumption of the building, the building will need smaller dimensions of heating and cooling equipment. In buildings that have a central motor house, reducing the size of the equipment will reduce the required area of the motor house.
It is very beneficial to release such a meterage, especially in office and commercial projects where the value of Riyal per square centimeter is significant. At the same time, reducing the size of the equipment will reduce a high percentage of the building costs for the purchase of this equipment.
In smaller projects such as villa houses, depending on the location of the project, the type of equipment selected and the number of spaces, it is possible to reduce the cost of purchasing equipment up to 200 million Tomans.
It should not be forgotten that buildings with low energy consumption have a much higher rial value due to economic issues and more comfort they provide for users.

Economic design and final product with higher value


​​​In the design of a building, all effective factors in architecture must be considered simultaneously. For example, the goal of reducing the building's energy consumption should not be at the cost of losing or not paying attention to the beauty, functionality of the space and other factors and architectural elements.
Taking into consideration various factors including architectural beauty, usage and energy consumption of the building and creating a design that can meet all these needs requires the use of up-to-date methods and sufficient experience.
With the support of its experienced and elite staff, Ark Base has introduced and used new methods and processes in building design, which are very popular with respected colleagues and employers and can meet all design goals in terms of efficiency and beauty.

Beauty along with efficiency


Designing a building with high energy performance in reducing consumption combined with a good architecture requires teamwork and close communication of all stakeholders and participants in the design and construction of the building.
At all stages of the design, Arkbase ensures the opinion of the presented plan by creating focused meetings between the stakeholders, and if needed to achieve the design goals and members' opinion, the intended changes continue until better results are achieved.
The result of this process is providing the opinions of all members, including the employer, and considering the convergence of the opinions of all engineers, including architecture, structure, and mechanics; The building plan will be implemented and operated with maximum compliance.

Team work and the importance of the opinion of the employer and other engineers involved in the design


Free Consultation

To receive services and advice, contact Ark Base through the link below.

Climate assessment, site and energy consulting​​​​​​​

If you are planning to design a building with low energy consumption but you don't know where to start and what to achieve in the end, simply use the free energy consultation of Arkbase and get the answers to all your questions.
First, you should have a proper understanding of the climatic factors and your site, and then prepare your preliminary plans and phase one according to the guidance of your energy consultant.
Count on us to evaluate the climate and site of your project from the point of view of energy and architecture.
You can also count on Arcbase as your project's energy consultancy and use our services to collaborate in building energy design and simulation at every stage.

طراحی کانسپت و حجم

​Natural light was and is one of the main elements of architecture, if you want to prove in your design that you received proper daylight, you can use this service and check your work based on different standards such as topic 19.
We must pay attention to the fact that too much sunlight can be bad and cause people's eyes to hurt, this phenomenon is called glare. Therefore, examining the arrival of Noorrouz is the same as examining your gaze.
You can use this service both in the design phase and the final evaluation of your projects.

Simulation of daylight and glare​​​​​​​

طراحی کانسپت و حجم

The results of energy simulation are a representative of the performance of the building design in terms of energy consumption and are entirely a function of the architect's design and decisions. In fact, you create better results with better design, and energy simulation proves and shows it...
Based on this, we can use software simulation both in the design process and for the final inspection of the building and evaluate the situation based on different standards such as topic 19.
In addition, we can find the weak and strong points of the building that increase energy consumption, determine the dimensions of heating and cooling equipment, and optimize details such as window dimensions, materials, and insulation.
You can use these services in phase one of the final design and evaluation of the building.​​​​

Energy simulation

Considering the increasing importance of reducing energy consumption in buildings and expanding the design of buildings with high energy performance, Arkbase is ready to provide various simulation services to ensure the proper performance of your designs. These services include simulation and assessment of energy consumption, daylight, glare, calculation of facility system volume, checking air flow inside and outside the building, thermal comfort assessment.

Building energy performance simulation services

All the costs incurred for design and construction are aimed at creating a suitable space for people and users of the space. Meanwhile, using heating and cooling equipment and spending a lot of energy does not always guarantee thermal comfort in summer and winter...
With the help of this service, you can be sure of the proper functioning of spaces in providing thermal comfort. You can also use it passively in the building design process and evaluate your designs based on thermal comfort and modify them if needed.

Simulation of thermal comfort

طراحی کانسپت و حجم

Undoubtedly, the cost required for building heating and cooling equipment is very significant. This is despite the fact that people often complain about the cold and hotness of the space and use auxiliary equipment to heat and cool the space to the required extent.
This problem is due to the lack of correct calculation of the building equipment, which was done without considering the design. Often, to solve this problem, the dimensions of the equipment are considered much larger, as a result of which significant costs are imposed on the project...
By using this service, you can correctly calculate the dimensions required for your project and provide comfort to the users of the building, preventing you from spending a lot of money.

Calculation of building heating and cooling equipment

طراحی کانسپت و حجم

Surely you also remember the unpleasant experience of strong wind when you are on the site, on the street and when you want to enter the building....
The concept design and building form can greatly intensify this effect and also increase energy consumption...
With this service, you can identify and correct critical points during design.
Also, if you use natural ventilation to cool your building, you can fix it by simulating the internal air flow and make the necessary changes in the design if it does not work properly.

Simulation of air flow inside and outside the building

طراحی کانسپت و حجم

Archbase simulation service portfolio

Architectural design, energy consulting with Ark Bess

Simply get advice at every stage of your project to reduce energy consumption...

The methods of reducing energy consumption fall into two categories, the methods used in the design process and the design of details such as insulation, window and canopy specifications...
At every stage of your design, you can use our various services to improve your design.

Start ...

Collaborators and companies that use ArcBase simulation services

Collaborators and business partners of Ark Base

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ In the different stages of phase zero to phase two, you can take advantage of the various simulation services of Arkbase Energy Consulting. To create a building with high energy performance, work must be started from phase zero, and the climate and site must first be fully understood. In the next step, the architect should proceed with the design of phase one according to the studies of phase zero and observing the principles in the thermal balance of the building. For this purpose, you will need the advice of an energy expert, who can take advantage of Ark Bess' free consulting services. In phase one, you can have one or more alternatives and compare these situations in terms of efficiency using the various services of Arkbase and make the necessary corrections if necessary to achieve the best performance conditions of energy and daylight.

You can also leave the design and calculation of details such as window dimensions, awnings, wall insulation details, etc. to Ark Bess after completing the design of phase one, so that the appropriate values can be determined to improve the building as much as possible. Finally, you can have a final evaluation of your work in terms of energy consumption, daylight, glare, natural ventilation, and facility volume calculation according to topic 19 of the national regulations and the building energy label.

Remember that reducing energy consumption in the building is not just adding insulation to the walls, and the proper design of the volume and plan will have the greatest impact. Therefore, pay attention to your design process and use the free consulting services of Ark Bes if needed.

Process and guide for using ArcBase energy performance simulation service

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